Monthly Musings- June
Scottie Cameron is an LA-based artist who constantly nudges the lines of minimalism and maximalism, taking inspiration from each frame of thinking to evoke a sense of uncertainty. Not a single one of his pieces is alike and each one forces the eye to peer more deeply inward to see the curvature of a pipe, the placement of a hand, or the underlying texture beneath a shoe. Each item exists in perfect placement and balance with each mobile or immobile part of a given work.
Picture yourself in a bright yellow one-piece swimsuit and a straw hat with a cold cocktail resting beside your towel that is strewn messily beneath a rainbow umbrella. You look to your left and your best friend is cutting up watermelon and to your right, you have a half-eaten baguette and dog-eared romance novel. What kind of music is playing? Click the playlist to listen 🙂
Confession: I didn’t read anything in the month of June, but this one I plan to start immediately after posting this blog 🙂 Look forward to my review of The Dud Avocado by Elaine Dundy on the next episode of “Monthly Musings” with Lexi Jade!
Hari Nef is one of my most favorite people that walks the face of the Earth. She is #literally the only reason I still have a Twitter account. This video almost completely explains why.
The Messy Heads have started a podcast discussing various topics such as relationships, emotions, etc. The most recent upload was a discussion of what the word “home” means. This is something that has created somewhat of a film that I think lays softly over the years immediately following one's teens-the idea of leaving home, only to constantly attempt to rebuild that same idea time and time again.
Taking walks is something I did a lot before I started college, but now I feel like a can barely find 15 minutes to take a stroll down the block. This month I am setting aside time to walk at least three times a week. Nothing too strenuous and nothing that feels too forced, only a soft stroll to give my mind a break and let my body take over for a bit.
..maybe next month I’ll start running 🙂
Lexi Jade