HEY, Wear This: Floral on Floral
Floral pieces, regardless of what they are, will never go out of style. To mix things up, the crew at Molly Green wanted to make it easy for you and make a step by step tutorial of how to wear floral on floral. We promise you will look better than any of the models on the internet:)
Step 1:
Go to your closet and pull out every article of clothing that has an inkling of floral on it. Create an insurmountable pile, look at it with a glazed over look in your eye—a look that says, “Why did I just let this chick on a blog convince me to do this..”, then pretend its a swimming pool and pencil dive right into that sucker. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be both amazed and disturbed by the obscene amount of floral you’ve acquired since January.
Step 2:
Begin weeding out the articles that don’t make too much of a statement. The key to this exercise is to find pieces of floral clothing that are bold and stray away from the typical Easter color scheme.
Step 3:
Create your look! Use your instincts and choose the pieces that go well enough together to make the idea of this whole floral explosion thing more approachable and tailored to your own style. Step just enough out of your comfort zone to make a statement, while pulling a look together that makes you feel like you.
Here are some of the flower fits we came up with:
Donna ruffle tank/ slouchy shorts
Try it for yourself and tag us on Facebook and Instagram if you find that you are just as into this trend as we are 🙂
Lexi Jade